Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Ten Commandments Essay Example for Free

The Ten Commandments Essay The Ten Commandments, sometimes known as the Decalogue, a literal translation of the Greek ‘Ten Words’, are found in the book of Exodus chapter 20 v 2 v17 and this is one of the most well known passages in the scriptures. In describing the events of that day the writer of Deuteronomy ( Deuteronomy 4 v 13) refers to them in Hebrew as ‘The Ten Words’ and in Exodus 19 v 5 they are named by God as ‘My Covenant’. Although part of the Jewish scriptures these verses are considered to be important by Christians too and they are often to be found inscribed in both synagogues and churches. The rabbis identified 600 different laws based upon these precepts, yet they can be summarised as in a story of Rabbi Hillel the Elder. A student declared that he would become a disciple of the rabbi if he could recite the whole of the Jewish Law while standing on one leg. Hillel while doing as he asked and standing on only one leg stated ‘What is hateful to you, do not do to your friend. This is the entire Torah; the rest is interpretation’. To this can be added the Shema, Deuteronomy 6 v 4, Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One Two short passages, yet they really do summarize both the Decalogue and indeed the whole law. The context is Mount Sinai three months into the journey of the Hebrews who have left Egypt and are on their way to the Promised Land. Although the scriptures, in particular the book of Leviticus, contain many more rules, some in minute detail, these ten laws are to form the basis of the new society in the Promised Land. The chapter begins ‘And God spoke all these words,’ ( Exodus 20 v 1). This is what gives them their power They are set out in a way that is relatively easy to remember and are in the form of a covenant God’s part and their part in a voluntary agreement. Yahweh announces to them , through Moses, his chosen agent that, having freed them from slavery by His power, as explained in chapter 19 ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt’ Chapter 19 v 4. In verse 5 and 6 He says that He will now make them will now a holy people and a nation of priests. The people agree to this , 19 v 8 ‘We will do everyhting the Lord has said’, and in v 14 we are told tha t they sanctified themselves in preparation. The Jewish Encyclopedia, in a passage designated as Israel’s Call, then describes how God, through Moses and with the accompanyment of thunder, lightning, smoke and the noise of trumpets, reveals himself by his voice and there pronounces ‘the ten fundamental commands of religion and morals’. The decalogue can be easily broken into two sections. The first part, numbers 1-4, is concerned with the relationship between God and his people ‘You shall have no other gods but me’. The second part is concerned society and with the relationships of individuals with each other, first within the family’ honour your father and mother’ and also with the wider world. ’ ( numbers 5 -10 ) and are famously summed up by Jesus in the New Testament, in Luke 10 v 27 ‘ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. ’although he was not the only one to make such summaries and in Leviticus they are also, in part , summarized,’Do not seek revenge, nor bear any grudge against one of your people, but you love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord. ’ Leviticus 19 v 18. The first commandment, verse 3, is against mental idolatry, while the second, verses 4 and 5 are against the practice of idolatry. The thing these have in common is that they forbid a great attachment to the things of earth, but an attachment to the one true God. The words are designed to show man the way to true contentment in a relationship with God rather than being over concerned with possessions, whether obvious false gods or not. It must be remembered that the group had only recently left Egypt , a country where there were gods of all kinds, many in the shape of animals, but reigned over by human images in the shape of Osiris and his consort Isis. They would have been used to seeing worship of these false gods and may even have been involved in some cases. The words in heaven , on earth and under the earth and in the waters could refer to bird gods, mammals, snakes and crocodiles or fish, all these being included in the complex Egyptian pantheon. In verse 5 God refers to himself as ‘jealous’. Clarke comments that He is thus expressing His immense love for his creation and the image is of a husband who wants to be sure of the fidelity of his partner. The third command is against taking the name of God in vain. In verse 8 and 9 there are two aspects – the keeping of the Sabbath and an injunction to work on the other 6 days and are accompanied by the example of God himself in creation. So these first commands are to do with reverence and man’s religious duty in response to who God is and what he has done, and the second group with his moral obligations towards his fellow men for the next command is one concerned with family relationships and the rest with an ordered society – do not murder, commit adultery, steal, lie or be covetous or greedy. Committing these sins is also a sin against God, because to do so would imply that what God has provided already is not good enough. Hebrew has a relatively small vocabulary and words often stand for more than one thing depending upon the context. The Hebrew word translated steal is of interest because not only does it also include the idea of being deceitful, it is also the word used for kidnapping. The following chapters of Exodus go into detail as to how these laws will work in practice as in the rules about the making of an altar in Exodus 20 v 23 onwards and the care of servants in chapter 21. Despite all these injunctions and their ready accession to what God wanted and promised however it is only a short time afterwards that the Israelites are appealing to Aaron ‘Up, and make us gods, which shall go before us. ’ And then of course ( Exodus 32) he made the golden calf despite the recent injunction in Exodus 20 v 4 ‘You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. ’ Some words and phrases are repeated or almost so ‘You shall’ and ‘You shall not’, but this is not consistent throughout and there seems to be an over emphasis on the negative, rather than the positive, whereas the New Testament summaries are in a positive attitude. Some commentators such as Adam Clarke have noted that the language used means that each person is addressed as an individual with individual responsibilities to obey, rather than the group being addressed as a whole with corporate responsibility. The Decalogue needs to be read, and obeyed, in the context of the whole scriptural revelation of God’s desire for a relationship with his people as is made plain by a wider reading as is seen for instance in Genesis 17 where God appears to Abraham and makes a covenant with him and in passages such as Jeremiah 30 v 10 where Jacob is described as the servant of God whom he will save and in Malachi 1 v 1 where God tells of his love for man. References Bible, New International Version, Hodder and Stoughton, Toronto, 1984 Clarke, A. , Commentary, Exodus 20, available from http://www. godrules. net/library/clarke/clarkeexo20. htm accessed 23rd October 2008 Introduction to Exodus, Jewish Encyclopaedia, available from http://bible. tmtm. com/wiki/Intoduction_to_Exodus_%28Jewish_Encyclopedia%29 accessed 22nd October 2008 Hillel the Elder, available from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rabbi_Hillel accessed 23rd October 2008

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Examining for Aphasia Essay -- Assessment

Introduction Examining For Aphasia was created in 1954 by John Eisenson in New York (Eisenson, 1954). It was one of the first tests for assessing language impairment (Benson & Ardila, 1996) and provides a guided approach for evaluating language disturbances and other disturbances closely related to language function (Eisenson, 1954). The test was originally developed for use with a group of patients in an army hospital who had aphasia and other related disturbances. Over time, the original inventory was refined and improved until testing has ‘shown the applicability of various parts of the test as well as of the examination as a whole’ (Eisenson, 1954, p. 32) and gave rise to the commercial version. Purpose The purpose of Examining for Aphasia (EFA) is to examine adolescents and adults, particularly those whose language abilities have become impaired after normal language functioning had been established. Its main purpose is to ascertain the type and level of the language dysfunction (Eisenson, 1954). It aims to help the clinician discover what abilities remain, with the end goal of forming the basis of a program of retraining. It is the hope that following the examination, the clinician will have an overall view of the patient's level of strengths and weaknesses within each area of language function. Construction EFA is divided into two main parts – receptive and expressive. The first part includes items to test abilities and to expose disturbances in the patient’s capacity to deal with concrete materials, visual representation, and to recognize items. The second part tests expressive abilities, not verbal and non-verbal. Within both sections, the tests are further divided into ‘sub-symbolic’ and ‘higher symbolic’ levels, w... ...n addition allows clinicians to form a basis from which to plan intervention and set goals. References Benson, D. F., & Ardila, A. (1996). Aphasia : a clinical perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. Browndyke, J. (2002). Aphasia Assessment Retrieved 9 May 2012, from Eisenson, J. (1954). Examining for aphasia : a manual for the examination of aphasia and related disturbances. New York: Psychological Corporation. Skenes, L. L., & McCauley, R. J. (1985). Psychometric review of nine aphasia tests. Journal of Communication Disorders, 18(6), 461-474. doi: 10.1016/0021-9924(85)90033-4 Benson, D. F., & Ardila, A. (1996). Aphasia : a clinical perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.

Monday, January 13, 2020


Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Facebook Cash Manuscript Imran Naseem How To Use The Power Of Facebook To Make Money Imran Naseem http://www. ImranNaseem. com Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) All rights reserved This report is for personal use only. Imran Naseem Copyright 2009 Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Welcome to my latest WSO on how to cash in from the world’s number one social networking site – Facebook. Now I am sure you have all heard of Facebook – it is in fact the world’s third most popular social networking site.When people are too busy talking about Twitter it seems people have actually neglected Facebook. In fact Facebook is so powerful I am going to show you how I have been making money from Facebook and how you can replicate my exact business model and use my strategies. These strategies will help you understand Facebook more and will make sure aware of t he different methods you can use to make lots of money from Facebook. If you have not registered on Facebook already then you are seriously missing out on a lot of cash and a lot of potential customers for your business.Before I get into the meat of this report let me warn you that the methods in this report have been tried and tested and they can work for almost any niche. Also if you have any questions on anything then please do not hesitate to contact me at Naseem. [email  protected] com With all my reports this is going to be a no fluff report on how to make money from Facebook. I will not bore you with a full history of Facebook – if you want a history lesson then you can go ahead and research on Wikipedia on the history of Facebook. This report will mainly cover the following. ? How to use Facebook to make money for CPA ?How to use Facebook Applications to make money ? How to use Facebook and make something go â€Å"viral† I hope you enjoy reading this report a nd you replicate my strategies for Facebook. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Making Money From Facebook I was a sucker when it came to Facebook. In fact I was always sceptical of Facebook but in recent months I have been using Facebook and it has had given me excellent results and made me money. Now I am going to go straight into this. The first thing you will need to do is head over to Facebook and make a new account.Now once you have registered Facebook basically gives you lots of different options to edit your profile. For the best results I always make sure I add my picture to my profile as it gives that bit of extra edge and when it comes to adding people it makes life much easier. Once you have created your Facebook account I would then focus on adding your â€Å"friends†. Now I have two Facebook accounts – one for business (where I have all my friends from the Warrior Forum and the Internet Marketing community) and one for â€Å"my social friends†.For the best results I always have greater success from my second Facebook account which has all my â€Å"social friends† – people who I meet on a regular basis and people I have either studied with at school or worked with in the past. However, if you only have one main Facebook account then that is not a problem! Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now the first thing I want to focus on is FACEBOOK GROUPS. Now Facebook Groups are very popular right now because these groups allow like minded individuals to talk about almost anything. So that means you can set up a group today on virtually any topic in the world.The beauty of Facebook Groups is that people can cater towards a certain niche and get together as a community to talk about a certain cause. For example, there have been lots of groups in recent years on the War In Iraq and groups that that relate to something that is happening in the news. For example, the recent Earthquake in Indonesia or the death of Michael Jackson has had an effect on people – I call these type of Facebook groups â€Å"Emotional based groups† because these groups have people who have been effected by the tragic events in the world. There are also groups that call for a â€Å"ban on† something.For example, there have been lots of groups on Facebook that call for â€Å"ban on guns and knives†. I call these type of groups â€Å"Pressure Groups† because these people want something to be done and want to see or would like to see a change in the law. And then there are groups which people set up for â€Å"fun†. For example, there are groups with topics such as â€Å"how fast can you type† or the first to comment gets to win a FREE Iphone. People join these types of groups for fun because they are either bored or at work or may just join because they are curious about something.I call these type of groups â€Å"Fun Groups†. Now for the purposes of this report I will focus on setting up FUN Groups and how to get as many people as possible to join these groups. Now Facebook groups are very popular. Here are just some of the different groups catering different niches. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are some Tatoo Groups Here are some groups on Make up Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are some groups on BreakdancingThere are so many different niches and topics that people are passionate about. Now I would focus on the niches people are not only passionate about but you will able to get so many people joining in a short space of time. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now in order to create a Facebook group it is pretty straight forward. Simply head over to http://www. facebook. com/groups. php Next click the â€Å"create group† link. Imran Nas eem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) The next thing you need to do is simply create your group.Now Facebook allows you to enter your Group name so people can find you and also description (now in this box you can enter your URL for any website or affiliate link if you have one). Once you have entered your entire information click â€Å"create group†. Now when it comes to creating your group there are lots of different categories. Because I tend to focus on the â€Å"just for fun† category I usually select this one. However, if your group is going to be on something else for example, a specific niche such as â€Å"weight loss† then I would select the â€Å"specific interest† category. Imran Naseem – http://www.ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Once you have created your group and are happy with it the next thing to do is publish it live. So for example, here is an example group I have set up right now for the purposes of this report. As you can see I have picked an eye catching title – E. g. 1 million girls who love make up. Now as you know the make up niche is huge – 90% of girls love putting make up on and this is why it is easier to target a certain niche. The female market is huge! Now once you have created your group you can edit it, add your URL and start â€Å"inviting people to join†. Now this is important.The more people you have on your Facebook the more chances your group will grow more. For example, let’s say you have over 200 people on your Facebook then the chances are these people will tell their friends about the group and their friends will tell other people until there is a â€Å"viral effect†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Once you have lots of people who are coming onto your group then I would find an affiliate offer related to your group. For example, there are lots of $1. 00 submit offers related to the beauty niche. These can add u p easily for just the submission of an email address.In order to get more people visiting your group I usually add the following text. (You can use this one for your groups too and replace the relevant words). 1 Join this group. 2 Click on â€Å"Invite People to Join† from the menu on the right. 3 Select all your friends (for this to work, you need to do this). 4 Click on â€Å"Send invitation† It's that simple. THEN PLEASE PRESS THE â€Å"SHARE BUTTON ON THE RIGHT HERE, AND POST THIS GROUP TO YOUR PROFILE. LETS TRY AND GET A MILLION†¦. Also please become a fan of our fanpage at [[URL LINK]] †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (0 0) . —oOO– (_)—–. ================= ¬  ¦ INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS  ¦ L=================- ‘—————oOO †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. |__|__| †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. || || †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ooO Ooo Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now groups are an excellent way to buil d a lot of members but my personal favourite way of making money is to create fan pages. Fanpages on Facebook are very popular and anyone can set up a fanpage on almost anything! There are Fanpages on almost anything – celebrities, businesses, people just about anything people have a passion for. I recommend you set up Fanpages over Groups because Fanpages tend to get a lot of people in a short space of time.In fact Fanpages are so popular this article here shows just how popular Fanpages have become with online retailers. There are lots of Fanpages on almost anything. For example, take a look at these following Fanpages for the following niches. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are Fanpages on Tattoos. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are Fanpages on Breakdancing (As you can see there are just over 13 fanpages – which means if you created a fanpage on breakdancing you can easily beat the competition! ) Imran Naseem – http://www.ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now in order to create a Fanpage it is pretty simple. Just go to this link at – http://www. facebook. com/pages/create. php Now the next thing you need to do is simply decide on the type of Fanpage you intend to create. I would pick something people are passionate about. The beauty of Facebook is that the traffic is already there. People would be willing to join your Fanpage if you can give them a good reason to join and they would be willing to spread the word for you. For example, giving 1 cent to every person who joins your Fanpage could be one idea.So for example, if 1000 people joined your fanpage then that is a total of $10. 00. Also avoid imitating celebrities as you have to be careful on the type of Fanpage you create. Therefore, for the purpose of this report I would focus on:? Niches people are passionate about – e. g. tattoos and piercing ? Fanpages which are â€Å"fun† – For example, â€Å"how fast can you type†? or 1 million tattoo lovers. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now once you are ready to create your Facebook fanpage you need to decide on the category. For example, Area, Brand or Artist or â€Å"Other†.I usually head over to the â€Å"Other† category if I cannot find a relevant one to put my fan page under. So above as you can see I have done an example already for you. â€Å"1 Million People who want to be rich†. Now I usually sometimes pick â€Å"fun type† of topics. It is entirely up to you which type of topic you Fanpage you wish to create. For example, after Michael Jackson died in June I created a Fanpage dedicated to the â€Å"King Of Pop† and to this date it has over 360 members. Once you have entered your information simply click the â€Å"create page† link. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Now you will be presented with a screen where you b asically have to edit information and images. Make sure you use an image which does not break any copyright laws. However, I have been using images from Google and have not had any problems but I would recommend you use a royalty free image. Here is a cool site for all the royalty free images. http://www. publicdomainpictures. net/ Once you have added your image and added any relevant information to your Fanpage such as URL domain name then simply â€Å"publish your page† so it can go â€Å"LIVE†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)As you can see Facebook Fanpages allow you to add pictures, discussions and other things like your own URL. I am sure you have noticed the â€Å"Become a fan† icons on Facebook. These are very popular and â€Å"hot† right now because people love joining Fanpages. Once you have edited your Fanpage and added all the relevant information then simply start directing traffic to it and start getting lots of p eople to join. The first way to do this is click â€Å"Suggest to friends† link on your Fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you simply start sending â€Å"Inviting† people to join your Fanpage.Once people join your Fanpage your Fanpage link appears on their profile page. For example, if I joined a Fanpage then it will say something like â€Å"Imran Naseem became a fan of [[Group name]]† Now the more people you have on your Facebook then the more people who are most likely to join your Fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are some popular Fanpages that have thousands and thousands of active members (This Fanpage is getting members every 5 seconds! ). http://www. facebook. com/pages/Sleeping-with-one-leg-out-of-thecovers/92775959070? ref=ts http://www. facebook. com/pages/Snuggling/85789376823? ef=search&sid=58 8786853. 1957378242.. 1 http://www. facebook. com/pages/Falling-asleep-whilecu ddling/81785496623? ref=search&sid=588786853. 1688146362.. 1 http://www. facebook. com/pages/asdorsiamediacom/Flipping-the-PillowOver-to-Get-to-the-Cold-Side/78247222425 The more members you have on your Facebook Fanpage the better the chances of you making more money. So how do you make money from Facebook Fanpages? Well there are lots of different ways you can monetize your Facebook Fanpages and make money. Remember people will join your Fanpage either they are passionate about something or just for â€Å"fun†.Sometime’s it is best to take advantage of their passion and monetise you’re Facebook Fanpage and make money. For example, people like to talk about things like â€Å"going for a long drive in the dark† – these are every simple â€Å"human† things and a Fanpage like this can help drive not only lots of members in a short space of time but it can also go â€Å"viral†. There are several ways you can make money from your Facebook Fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) The first way is to promote Clickbank Affiliate Products. For example, let’s ay your Fanpage is about different types of Tattoo designs and it is beginning to get lots and lots of members. The first thing you can do is head over to the Clickbank Marketplace and search for a â€Å"Tattoo related† affiliate product you can promote. As you can see there are lots and lots of different Tatoo related affiliate products that you can promote using your Facebook Fanpage. I usually select the product that has a high â€Å"gravity† and has a good high referral percentage. So for example, let’s say you have a Fanpage on the different types of Tattoo designs and you want to add a URL to your page.Now what you need to do is select the type of product you can promote. So in this case I am going to focus on the products that appear on the first page on the Clickbank marketplace for this niche. I usual ly select the one that has a â€Å"good looking† pitch page. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) So for example, let’s say you are going to select number 2. Here is more information about this affiliate product. We can see that this pays 75% commission for each person who signs up to this membership site. It also has a 91% referral rate and a high gravity.Now with Facebook users I prefer to use â€Å"Direct Linking† because it has the best effect and Facebook users generally take action if they are passionate about something. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Once you have selected the type of Affiliate product you wish to promote simply click â€Å"create hoplink† and then enter your Clickbank nickname. Next Clickbank encrypts your Clickbank affiliate link for the product. Now we are not going to post this â€Å"UGLY LOOKING† affiliate link anywhere on your Facebook Fanpage. However, we are going to mask this affiliate link. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. om (My Blog) The next thing I would do is head over to Godaddy or Namecheap and purchase a domain name. Now in order to keep your costs low I would buy a cheap . info domain name since we are going to be doing â€Å"direct linking† from your Facebook Fanpage to your Clickbank product. So in the case of this example since we are focusing on Tattoos I will purchase a Tattoo related domain name. For example, at the time of writing this report TattooDesignsWorld. info is available and costs just over a dollar to purchase. Now what we are going to do is simply link your domain name to your Clickbank vendor that you intend to promote.Now what we are going to do is use a technique of â€Å"masking† your domain name so anyone who goes to TattooDesignsWorld. info will be automatically forwarded to the vendor page and on the address bar the domain name will replace your affiliate link. Now with Godaddy this is pretty simple and easy to do. The first thing you will need to do is log in to your GoDaddy Account. Once you are logged in simply head over to your domain name that you have purchased until you come across a screen that looks like this. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next click the â€Å"manage link†.Once you have done that you should see a screen that looks like this (see below). The next thing you need to do â€Å"mask† your domain name. Now as you can see you are presented with several options. At the top you simply paste your Clickbank affiliate link at the top and then head over to â€Å"Forward with masking† and click Ok. Eventually after 10-15 minutes your domain name will be â€Å"masked† with your Affiliate link. So basically anyone who goes to yourdomain. com will be forwarded to your Clickbank vendor page. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Now Facebook Fanpages can make you a lot of money in the long-term because just â€Å"One status change† on Facebook can result in money. Facebook users are generally the type who like â€Å"funny, new and wacky† stuff and if they are passionate about something then they will make sure they do something about it. If you need any ideas on the types of Facebook pages to set up then feel free to use sites like Yahoo Answers to see what types of questions people are asking in regards to everyday issues or hobbies etc. I usually create Fanpages on topics/niches that people will constantly talk about.Here are some really cool â€Å"fun Fanpages† ones you can try. I hate people who smoke! I hate people who smoke whilst eating! I hate Sundays! I hate people who stare at you whilst eating! I love sleeping on a cold day! I love eating ice cream on a hot summers day! And here are â€Å"niche Fanpages† you can create and start profiting from 1 Million girls who want to live in a big house when they are marr ied 1 Million fans who love Tattoo Designs 1 Million people who love singing 1 Million people who love to dance 1 million people who love to eat Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. om (My Blog) Now on your Fanpages make sure you regularly update your status and make sure you direct people to your Affiliate Link. For example, if your Fanpage is on Tattoos then send people to your Tattoo Page by having text which includes something like this. For example, grab a Free Tatoo Lovers Profile [[URL LINK]]. Here is an example of a page that is already doing this. http://www. facebook. com/hotchickswithtattoos? ref=search&sid=588786853. 3322830222.. 1 This Fanpage is using this Affiliate Program to direct traffic to using the power of Facebook Fanpages.One of my Facebook Fanpages is making me anywhere from $400-$500 a month on complete Autopilot. The more people that join your fanpage the most likely it will spread and go â€Å"viral†. People will tell other people to join your Fanpage and so on.. The more people that are on your Fanpage then you can message these people on a daily basis. Facebook has a limit on the number of messages you can send to your members but you can send messages to over 1000 people per day. This is the true power of Facebook â€Å"viral marketing† at its best. You can also comment on peoples â€Å"status† and ask people to spread the word about your Fanpage.Potentially hundreds and hundreds of people will see your Facebook fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Using Fanpages to make money with CPA Affiliate Marketing Now this is one of my favourite strategies of making money on complete Autopilot and it involves making Fanpages and using Low Involvement CPA offers that require just an email address. These type of CPA offers pay anywhere from $1-$2. 00 and these can add up easily. These work best if you have a group for a specific category. For example, you can have a fanpage on à ¢â‚¬Å"the fastest person who enters their email address gets a chance to win a FREE laptop†.These types of Fanpages are another example of â€Å"fun† type of Fanpages. Here are some examples of low involvement CPA offers that pay anywhere form $1. 00-$2. 00 for a simple email address. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Setting up fanpages for Low involvment offers can all add up. For example, lets say you set up 10 different Facebook fan pages each bringnig you constant stream of visitors to your Fanpage. Now if these pages involved people entering their email address and taking action then you can easily make up to $50-$100 a day from these fanpages.It really is that simple! Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) How to spot your competiton for Fanpages! Now with Fanpages you might want to set up a certain fanpage but sometimes there can be occasions where someo ne already has set up a Fanpage on something. This can be quite annoying sometimes. Here is a pretty easy way to look for other competing Fanpages. For example, let’s say you wanted to create a Facebook Fanpage titled â€Å"driving in the rain† Now the first thing to do is enter the phrase â€Å"driving in the rain† in the search bar.As you can see on the left hand side you can see just how many different types of â€Å"pages and groups and applications† there are for this phrase or particular topic†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Since we are focusing on just Fanpages you can see there is already an existing Fanpage which has just over 800 fans. Now this is good news since we can easily beat this competition since it has not many members. So what you can do is set up a competing fanpage titled â€Å"People who love driving in the rain†. If there are several competing Fanpages for the same niche I would avoid co mpeting and move on to an alternative niche.It is up to you on the type of Fanpage you want to create – either you want to create one for â€Å"fun† with a view to get as many members as possible so you can then later on direct people to a CPA offer or you can create a page with the intention of getting people to fill in your CPA Offers (be careful though as some CPA Networks do not allow incentives traffic so make sure you promote the ones that do). However, I have been promoting 99% of CPA low involvement offers without any problems. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Flipping Facebook Fanpages Once your Facebook fanpage has gone â€Å"viral† and it is making you money why not flip it on FLIPPA? There are so many potential buyers out there who would love to purchase Fanpages. If it makes them money then they will easily pay up to $1000-$2000 depending on the number of people you have on your Fanpage. However, I would first make sure yo ur Facebook Fanpage has lots of members, is making you money on Autopilot and also is active. If you have lots of members on your Facebook then you have a much better chance of growing your Fanpage easily.In the next section I am going to talk about how you can make money from Facebook Applications. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Making Money from Facebook Applications Now this is one of the most lucrative areas of Facebook and one that can bring in big profits if done properly. Have you ever noticed those Facebook Applications that people are constantly using? For example, most of these are quizzes and games that people like to try because not only are they curious but they seem interesting. Here are some popular Facebook Applications right now.This Application â€Å"predicts† people’s future. Are you going to have luck in the coming week? It has just over 274,000 fans right now and is growing! Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNasee m. com (My Blog) This Facebook Application finds your next â€Å"true love†. It has just over 64,000 active members as of now. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Flixster is the most popular Facebook application with just over 14 million users it lets people discuss and talk about movies and take quizzes. So how do you Build a Facebook Application? Well it is pretty simple and this is how you do it.The first thing you will need to so is Register the Facebook Application so just go to this link here. http://www. facebook. com/developer and then click â€Å"ALLOW Access† Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now this is basically an Application by Facebook which allows you to build any Application. So once you are on the page the first thing you will need to do is click â€Å"setup new application†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you should see a screen that looks something like th is. Now what you need to do here is name your Facebook Application, and agree to their terms and conditions.Be careful in what name you pick as sometimes Facebook might own the trademark to the name of a certain application. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you should see a screen containing important information about your new Facebook Application. On the Left hand side of the screen you should see a â€Å"Canvas†. Click on that and then simply choose your Canvas Page URL (This is the URL where Facebook users access your Application. So basically enter anything you want here – it is a bit similar to registering a domain name! ). Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)You should also see a section called â€Å"Canvas Callback URL† is the main remote URL where Facebook displays your Application from. You will automatically get a CALLBACK URL after you have set up your Application so make sure you keep this win dow open. Whilst keeping that window open – Open another window by going here. http://apps. facebook. com/appstudio/wizards. php Log in and click â€Å"Allow†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you should see a screen which basically lists the different types of Application you can create.In the case of this example let’s create a â€Å"Quiz Application†. As you can see you are presented with an option to name your â€Å"Quiz Application†. Pick an appropriate name then click â€Å"Complete Step 1†. Once you have done that it is time to configure your Application. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next simply enter the relevant information. Now remember the window you had opened? Simply paste your Facebook â€Å"Secret† and â€Å"Canvas Page URL† to configure your application. Then click â€Å"Save your Quiz A pp Settings†. Once you have entered all your information you should see a screen that looks like this (see below)Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now as you can see you receive your â€Å"Call back URL† (Highlighted above) For example, for my application my callback URL is http://www. socialappstudio. com/appstudio/apps/babyquiz/ Now you need to go back to your first window and paste this callback URL Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Then click â€Å"Save Changes†. If you did everything right you should paste your call back Application URL to your browser and see a screen that looks something like this (see below). Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Next click â€Å"Allow† and now you are ready to run your Application. Then simply log in as admin and click â€Å"Continue† Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) The type of Application you do is enti rely up to you – you can add images, banners, text and customise it. Using CPA for your Applications Now you can also make money from your Applications by using CPA by using the Affiliate Application Wizard. This can work well for low involvement CPA offers or can use Dating Offers (which tend to convert really well). Dating Applications are very popular on Facebook right now and offers that require just a simple email address.The more members you have and the more money you will make the better the chances of you flipping your entire application on places like FLIPPA and other marketplaces such as the Warrior Forum Marketplace. How to use Facebook and make something go â€Å"viral† If you have a crazy idea or a wacky moment why not do something â€Å"viral†? For example, you might want to set up a fanpage or a group and actually pay people to join – YEP! You can pay as little as $0. 01 for each member who joins your group or you can pay people who help g et you new members. Facebook is excellent when it comes to something that might go â€Å"viral† and spread.Facebook has millions and millions of users on a daily basis and the traffic from it can really help for your cause. For example, you might want to even make money by setting up a capture page for people and build a list in the process. For example, we all know that the female market is huge – especially when it comes to make up. Why not set up a capture page with the following words. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Find out how to Receive FREE Mac Make UP Enter Your Name and Email Address To receive a special secret link Imran Naseem – http://www.ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) This is an example of a landing page you can direct Facebook (female users to) and they will need to simply enter their name and email address. Once you have a list of say 300-400 girls then simply forward a CPA offer to them or a Clickbank link ? The possibi lities are endless! I hope you enjoyed reading this guide on how to make money from Facebook and its tools ? Why not leave me a testimonial if you liked this report? Simply email me at Naseem. [email  protected] com My blog is Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com Imran Naseem Sdlc Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Facebook Cash Manuscript Imran Naseem How To Use The Power Of Facebook To Make Money Imran Naseem http://www. ImranNaseem. com Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) All rights reserved This report is for personal use only. Imran Naseem Copyright 2009 Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Welcome to my latest WSO on how to cash in from the world’s number one social networking site – Facebook. Now I am sure you have all heard of Facebook – it is in fact the world’s third most popular social networking site.When people are too busy talking about Twitter it seems people have actually neglected Facebook. In fact Facebook is so powerful I am going to show you how I have been making money from Facebook and how you can replicate my exact business model and use my strategies. These strategies will help you understand Facebook more and will make sure aware of t he different methods you can use to make lots of money from Facebook. If you have not registered on Facebook already then you are seriously missing out on a lot of cash and a lot of potential customers for your business.Before I get into the meat of this report let me warn you that the methods in this report have been tried and tested and they can work for almost any niche. Also if you have any questions on anything then please do not hesitate to contact me at Naseem. [email  protected] com With all my reports this is going to be a no fluff report on how to make money from Facebook. I will not bore you with a full history of Facebook – if you want a history lesson then you can go ahead and research on Wikipedia on the history of Facebook. This report will mainly cover the following. ? How to use Facebook to make money for CPA ?How to use Facebook Applications to make money ? How to use Facebook and make something go â€Å"viral† I hope you enjoy reading this report a nd you replicate my strategies for Facebook. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Making Money From Facebook I was a sucker when it came to Facebook. In fact I was always sceptical of Facebook but in recent months I have been using Facebook and it has had given me excellent results and made me money. Now I am going to go straight into this. The first thing you will need to do is head over to Facebook and make a new account.Now once you have registered Facebook basically gives you lots of different options to edit your profile. For the best results I always make sure I add my picture to my profile as it gives that bit of extra edge and when it comes to adding people it makes life much easier. Once you have created your Facebook account I would then focus on adding your â€Å"friends†. Now I have two Facebook accounts – one for business (where I have all my friends from the Warrior Forum and the Internet Marketing community) and one for â€Å"my social friends†.For the best results I always have greater success from my second Facebook account which has all my â€Å"social friends† – people who I meet on a regular basis and people I have either studied with at school or worked with in the past. However, if you only have one main Facebook account then that is not a problem! Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now the first thing I want to focus on is FACEBOOK GROUPS. Now Facebook Groups are very popular right now because these groups allow like minded individuals to talk about almost anything. So that means you can set up a group today on virtually any topic in the world.The beauty of Facebook Groups is that people can cater towards a certain niche and get together as a community to talk about a certain cause. For example, there have been lots of groups in recent years on the War In Iraq and groups that that relate to something that is happening in the news. For example, the recent Earthquake in Indonesia or the death of Michael Jackson has had an effect on people – I call these type of Facebook groups â€Å"Emotional based groups† because these groups have people who have been effected by the tragic events in the world. There are also groups that call for a â€Å"ban on† something.For example, there have been lots of groups on Facebook that call for â€Å"ban on guns and knives†. I call these type of groups â€Å"Pressure Groups† because these people want something to be done and want to see or would like to see a change in the law. And then there are groups which people set up for â€Å"fun†. For example, there are groups with topics such as â€Å"how fast can you type† or the first to comment gets to win a FREE Iphone. People join these types of groups for fun because they are either bored or at work or may just join because they are curious about something.I call these type of groups â€Å"Fun Groups†. Now for the purposes of this report I will focus on setting up FUN Groups and how to get as many people as possible to join these groups. Now Facebook groups are very popular. Here are just some of the different groups catering different niches. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are some Tatoo Groups Here are some groups on Make up Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are some groups on BreakdancingThere are so many different niches and topics that people are passionate about. Now I would focus on the niches people are not only passionate about but you will able to get so many people joining in a short space of time. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now in order to create a Facebook group it is pretty straight forward. Simply head over to http://www. facebook. com/groups. php Next click the â€Å"create group† link. Imran Nas eem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) The next thing you need to do is simply create your group.Now Facebook allows you to enter your Group name so people can find you and also description (now in this box you can enter your URL for any website or affiliate link if you have one). Once you have entered your entire information click â€Å"create group†. Now when it comes to creating your group there are lots of different categories. Because I tend to focus on the â€Å"just for fun† category I usually select this one. However, if your group is going to be on something else for example, a specific niche such as â€Å"weight loss† then I would select the â€Å"specific interest† category. Imran Naseem – http://www.ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Once you have created your group and are happy with it the next thing to do is publish it live. So for example, here is an example group I have set up right now for the purposes of this report. As you can see I have picked an eye catching title – E. g. 1 million girls who love make up. Now as you know the make up niche is huge – 90% of girls love putting make up on and this is why it is easier to target a certain niche. The female market is huge! Now once you have created your group you can edit it, add your URL and start â€Å"inviting people to join†. Now this is important.The more people you have on your Facebook the more chances your group will grow more. For example, let’s say you have over 200 people on your Facebook then the chances are these people will tell their friends about the group and their friends will tell other people until there is a â€Å"viral effect†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Once you have lots of people who are coming onto your group then I would find an affiliate offer related to your group. For example, there are lots of $1. 00 submit offers related to the beauty niche. These can add u p easily for just the submission of an email address.In order to get more people visiting your group I usually add the following text. (You can use this one for your groups too and replace the relevant words). 1 Join this group. 2 Click on â€Å"Invite People to Join† from the menu on the right. 3 Select all your friends (for this to work, you need to do this). 4 Click on â€Å"Send invitation† It's that simple. THEN PLEASE PRESS THE â€Å"SHARE BUTTON ON THE RIGHT HERE, AND POST THIS GROUP TO YOUR PROFILE. LETS TRY AND GET A MILLION†¦. Also please become a fan of our fanpage at [[URL LINK]] †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (0 0) . —oOO– (_)—–. ================= ¬  ¦ INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS  ¦ L=================- ‘—————oOO †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. |__|__| †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. || || †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ooO Ooo Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now groups are an excellent way to buil d a lot of members but my personal favourite way of making money is to create fan pages. Fanpages on Facebook are very popular and anyone can set up a fanpage on almost anything! There are Fanpages on almost anything – celebrities, businesses, people just about anything people have a passion for. I recommend you set up Fanpages over Groups because Fanpages tend to get a lot of people in a short space of time.In fact Fanpages are so popular this article here shows just how popular Fanpages have become with online retailers. There are lots of Fanpages on almost anything. For example, take a look at these following Fanpages for the following niches. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are Fanpages on Tattoos. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are Fanpages on Breakdancing (As you can see there are just over 13 fanpages – which means if you created a fanpage on breakdancing you can easily beat the competition! ) Imran Naseem – http://www.ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now in order to create a Fanpage it is pretty simple. Just go to this link at – http://www. facebook. com/pages/create. php Now the next thing you need to do is simply decide on the type of Fanpage you intend to create. I would pick something people are passionate about. The beauty of Facebook is that the traffic is already there. People would be willing to join your Fanpage if you can give them a good reason to join and they would be willing to spread the word for you. For example, giving 1 cent to every person who joins your Fanpage could be one idea.So for example, if 1000 people joined your fanpage then that is a total of $10. 00. Also avoid imitating celebrities as you have to be careful on the type of Fanpage you create. Therefore, for the purpose of this report I would focus on:? Niches people are passionate about – e. g. tattoos and piercing ? Fanpages which are â€Å"fun† – For example, â€Å"how fast can you type†? or 1 million tattoo lovers. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now once you are ready to create your Facebook fanpage you need to decide on the category. For example, Area, Brand or Artist or â€Å"Other†.I usually head over to the â€Å"Other† category if I cannot find a relevant one to put my fan page under. So above as you can see I have done an example already for you. â€Å"1 Million People who want to be rich†. Now I usually sometimes pick â€Å"fun type† of topics. It is entirely up to you which type of topic you Fanpage you wish to create. For example, after Michael Jackson died in June I created a Fanpage dedicated to the â€Å"King Of Pop† and to this date it has over 360 members. Once you have entered your information simply click the â€Å"create page† link. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Now you will be presented with a screen where you b asically have to edit information and images. Make sure you use an image which does not break any copyright laws. However, I have been using images from Google and have not had any problems but I would recommend you use a royalty free image. Here is a cool site for all the royalty free images. http://www. publicdomainpictures. net/ Once you have added your image and added any relevant information to your Fanpage such as URL domain name then simply â€Å"publish your page† so it can go â€Å"LIVE†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)As you can see Facebook Fanpages allow you to add pictures, discussions and other things like your own URL. I am sure you have noticed the â€Å"Become a fan† icons on Facebook. These are very popular and â€Å"hot† right now because people love joining Fanpages. Once you have edited your Fanpage and added all the relevant information then simply start directing traffic to it and start getting lots of p eople to join. The first way to do this is click â€Å"Suggest to friends† link on your Fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you simply start sending â€Å"Inviting† people to join your Fanpage.Once people join your Fanpage your Fanpage link appears on their profile page. For example, if I joined a Fanpage then it will say something like â€Å"Imran Naseem became a fan of [[Group name]]† Now the more people you have on your Facebook then the more people who are most likely to join your Fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Here are some popular Fanpages that have thousands and thousands of active members (This Fanpage is getting members every 5 seconds! ). http://www. facebook. com/pages/Sleeping-with-one-leg-out-of-thecovers/92775959070? ref=ts http://www. facebook. com/pages/Snuggling/85789376823? ef=search&sid=58 8786853. 1957378242.. 1 http://www. facebook. com/pages/Falling-asleep-whilecu ddling/81785496623? ref=search&sid=588786853. 1688146362.. 1 http://www. facebook. com/pages/asdorsiamediacom/Flipping-the-PillowOver-to-Get-to-the-Cold-Side/78247222425 The more members you have on your Facebook Fanpage the better the chances of you making more money. So how do you make money from Facebook Fanpages? Well there are lots of different ways you can monetize your Facebook Fanpages and make money. Remember people will join your Fanpage either they are passionate about something or just for â€Å"fun†.Sometime’s it is best to take advantage of their passion and monetise you’re Facebook Fanpage and make money. For example, people like to talk about things like â€Å"going for a long drive in the dark† – these are every simple â€Å"human† things and a Fanpage like this can help drive not only lots of members in a short space of time but it can also go â€Å"viral†. There are several ways you can make money from your Facebook Fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) The first way is to promote Clickbank Affiliate Products. For example, let’s ay your Fanpage is about different types of Tattoo designs and it is beginning to get lots and lots of members. The first thing you can do is head over to the Clickbank Marketplace and search for a â€Å"Tattoo related† affiliate product you can promote. As you can see there are lots and lots of different Tatoo related affiliate products that you can promote using your Facebook Fanpage. I usually select the product that has a high â€Å"gravity† and has a good high referral percentage. So for example, let’s say you have a Fanpage on the different types of Tattoo designs and you want to add a URL to your page.Now what you need to do is select the type of product you can promote. So in this case I am going to focus on the products that appear on the first page on the Clickbank marketplace for this niche. I usual ly select the one that has a â€Å"good looking† pitch page. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) So for example, let’s say you are going to select number 2. Here is more information about this affiliate product. We can see that this pays 75% commission for each person who signs up to this membership site. It also has a 91% referral rate and a high gravity.Now with Facebook users I prefer to use â€Å"Direct Linking† because it has the best effect and Facebook users generally take action if they are passionate about something. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Once you have selected the type of Affiliate product you wish to promote simply click â€Å"create hoplink† and then enter your Clickbank nickname. Next Clickbank encrypts your Clickbank affiliate link for the product. Now we are not going to post this â€Å"UGLY LOOKING† affiliate link anywhere on your Facebook Fanpage. However, we are going to mask this affiliate link. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. om (My Blog) The next thing I would do is head over to Godaddy or Namecheap and purchase a domain name. Now in order to keep your costs low I would buy a cheap . info domain name since we are going to be doing â€Å"direct linking† from your Facebook Fanpage to your Clickbank product. So in the case of this example since we are focusing on Tattoos I will purchase a Tattoo related domain name. For example, at the time of writing this report TattooDesignsWorld. info is available and costs just over a dollar to purchase. Now what we are going to do is simply link your domain name to your Clickbank vendor that you intend to promote.Now what we are going to do is use a technique of â€Å"masking† your domain name so anyone who goes to TattooDesignsWorld. info will be automatically forwarded to the vendor page and on the address bar the domain name will replace your affiliate link. Now with Godaddy this is pretty simple and easy to do. The first thing you will need to do is log in to your GoDaddy Account. Once you are logged in simply head over to your domain name that you have purchased until you come across a screen that looks like this. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next click the â€Å"manage link†.Once you have done that you should see a screen that looks like this (see below). The next thing you need to do â€Å"mask† your domain name. Now as you can see you are presented with several options. At the top you simply paste your Clickbank affiliate link at the top and then head over to â€Å"Forward with masking† and click Ok. Eventually after 10-15 minutes your domain name will be â€Å"masked† with your Affiliate link. So basically anyone who goes to yourdomain. com will be forwarded to your Clickbank vendor page. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Now Facebook Fanpages can make you a lot of money in the long-term because just â€Å"One status change† on Facebook can result in money. Facebook users are generally the type who like â€Å"funny, new and wacky† stuff and if they are passionate about something then they will make sure they do something about it. If you need any ideas on the types of Facebook pages to set up then feel free to use sites like Yahoo Answers to see what types of questions people are asking in regards to everyday issues or hobbies etc. I usually create Fanpages on topics/niches that people will constantly talk about.Here are some really cool â€Å"fun Fanpages† ones you can try. I hate people who smoke! I hate people who smoke whilst eating! I hate Sundays! I hate people who stare at you whilst eating! I love sleeping on a cold day! I love eating ice cream on a hot summers day! And here are â€Å"niche Fanpages† you can create and start profiting from 1 Million girls who want to live in a big house when they are marr ied 1 Million fans who love Tattoo Designs 1 Million people who love singing 1 Million people who love to dance 1 million people who love to eat Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. om (My Blog) Now on your Fanpages make sure you regularly update your status and make sure you direct people to your Affiliate Link. For example, if your Fanpage is on Tattoos then send people to your Tattoo Page by having text which includes something like this. For example, grab a Free Tatoo Lovers Profile [[URL LINK]]. Here is an example of a page that is already doing this. http://www. facebook. com/hotchickswithtattoos? ref=search&sid=588786853. 3322830222.. 1 This Fanpage is using this Affiliate Program to direct traffic to using the power of Facebook Fanpages.One of my Facebook Fanpages is making me anywhere from $400-$500 a month on complete Autopilot. The more people that join your fanpage the most likely it will spread and go â€Å"viral†. People will tell other people to join your Fanpage and so on.. The more people that are on your Fanpage then you can message these people on a daily basis. Facebook has a limit on the number of messages you can send to your members but you can send messages to over 1000 people per day. This is the true power of Facebook â€Å"viral marketing† at its best. You can also comment on peoples â€Å"status† and ask people to spread the word about your Fanpage.Potentially hundreds and hundreds of people will see your Facebook fanpage. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Using Fanpages to make money with CPA Affiliate Marketing Now this is one of my favourite strategies of making money on complete Autopilot and it involves making Fanpages and using Low Involvement CPA offers that require just an email address. These type of CPA offers pay anywhere from $1-$2. 00 and these can add up easily. These work best if you have a group for a specific category. For example, you can have a fanpage on à ¢â‚¬Å"the fastest person who enters their email address gets a chance to win a FREE laptop†.These types of Fanpages are another example of â€Å"fun† type of Fanpages. Here are some examples of low involvement CPA offers that pay anywhere form $1. 00-$2. 00 for a simple email address. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Setting up fanpages for Low involvment offers can all add up. For example, lets say you set up 10 different Facebook fan pages each bringnig you constant stream of visitors to your Fanpage. Now if these pages involved people entering their email address and taking action then you can easily make up to $50-$100 a day from these fanpages.It really is that simple! Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) How to spot your competiton for Fanpages! Now with Fanpages you might want to set up a certain fanpage but sometimes there can be occasions where someo ne already has set up a Fanpage on something. This can be quite annoying sometimes. Here is a pretty easy way to look for other competing Fanpages. For example, let’s say you wanted to create a Facebook Fanpage titled â€Å"driving in the rain† Now the first thing to do is enter the phrase â€Å"driving in the rain† in the search bar.As you can see on the left hand side you can see just how many different types of â€Å"pages and groups and applications† there are for this phrase or particular topic†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Since we are focusing on just Fanpages you can see there is already an existing Fanpage which has just over 800 fans. Now this is good news since we can easily beat this competition since it has not many members. So what you can do is set up a competing fanpage titled â€Å"People who love driving in the rain†. If there are several competing Fanpages for the same niche I would avoid co mpeting and move on to an alternative niche.It is up to you on the type of Fanpage you want to create – either you want to create one for â€Å"fun† with a view to get as many members as possible so you can then later on direct people to a CPA offer or you can create a page with the intention of getting people to fill in your CPA Offers (be careful though as some CPA Networks do not allow incentives traffic so make sure you promote the ones that do). However, I have been promoting 99% of CPA low involvement offers without any problems. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Flipping Facebook Fanpages Once your Facebook fanpage has gone â€Å"viral† and it is making you money why not flip it on FLIPPA? There are so many potential buyers out there who would love to purchase Fanpages. If it makes them money then they will easily pay up to $1000-$2000 depending on the number of people you have on your Fanpage. However, I would first make sure yo ur Facebook Fanpage has lots of members, is making you money on Autopilot and also is active. If you have lots of members on your Facebook then you have a much better chance of growing your Fanpage easily.In the next section I am going to talk about how you can make money from Facebook Applications. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Making Money from Facebook Applications Now this is one of the most lucrative areas of Facebook and one that can bring in big profits if done properly. Have you ever noticed those Facebook Applications that people are constantly using? For example, most of these are quizzes and games that people like to try because not only are they curious but they seem interesting. Here are some popular Facebook Applications right now.This Application â€Å"predicts† people’s future. Are you going to have luck in the coming week? It has just over 274,000 fans right now and is growing! Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNasee m. com (My Blog) This Facebook Application finds your next â€Å"true love†. It has just over 64,000 active members as of now. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Flixster is the most popular Facebook application with just over 14 million users it lets people discuss and talk about movies and take quizzes. So how do you Build a Facebook Application? Well it is pretty simple and this is how you do it.The first thing you will need to so is Register the Facebook Application so just go to this link here. http://www. facebook. com/developer and then click â€Å"ALLOW Access† Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now this is basically an Application by Facebook which allows you to build any Application. So once you are on the page the first thing you will need to do is click â€Å"setup new application†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you should see a screen that looks something like th is. Now what you need to do here is name your Facebook Application, and agree to their terms and conditions.Be careful in what name you pick as sometimes Facebook might own the trademark to the name of a certain application. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you should see a screen containing important information about your new Facebook Application. On the Left hand side of the screen you should see a â€Å"Canvas†. Click on that and then simply choose your Canvas Page URL (This is the URL where Facebook users access your Application. So basically enter anything you want here – it is a bit similar to registering a domain name! ). Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)You should also see a section called â€Å"Canvas Callback URL† is the main remote URL where Facebook displays your Application from. You will automatically get a CALLBACK URL after you have set up your Application so make sure you keep this win dow open. Whilst keeping that window open – Open another window by going here. http://apps. facebook. com/appstudio/wizards. php Log in and click â€Å"Allow†. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next you should see a screen which basically lists the different types of Application you can create.In the case of this example let’s create a â€Å"Quiz Application†. As you can see you are presented with an option to name your â€Å"Quiz Application†. Pick an appropriate name then click â€Å"Complete Step 1†. Once you have done that it is time to configure your Application. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Next simply enter the relevant information. Now remember the window you had opened? Simply paste your Facebook â€Å"Secret† and â€Å"Canvas Page URL† to configure your application. Then click â€Å"Save your Quiz A pp Settings†. Once you have entered all your information you should see a screen that looks like this (see below)Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Now as you can see you receive your â€Å"Call back URL† (Highlighted above) For example, for my application my callback URL is http://www. socialappstudio. com/appstudio/apps/babyquiz/ Now you need to go back to your first window and paste this callback URL Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Then click â€Å"Save Changes†. If you did everything right you should paste your call back Application URL to your browser and see a screen that looks something like this (see below). Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog)Next click â€Å"Allow† and now you are ready to run your Application. Then simply log in as admin and click â€Å"Continue† Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) The type of Application you do is enti rely up to you – you can add images, banners, text and customise it. Using CPA for your Applications Now you can also make money from your Applications by using CPA by using the Affiliate Application Wizard. This can work well for low involvement CPA offers or can use Dating Offers (which tend to convert really well). Dating Applications are very popular on Facebook right now and offers that require just a simple email address.The more members you have and the more money you will make the better the chances of you flipping your entire application on places like FLIPPA and other marketplaces such as the Warrior Forum Marketplace. How to use Facebook and make something go â€Å"viral† If you have a crazy idea or a wacky moment why not do something â€Å"viral†? For example, you might want to set up a fanpage or a group and actually pay people to join – YEP! You can pay as little as $0. 01 for each member who joins your group or you can pay people who help g et you new members. Facebook is excellent when it comes to something that might go â€Å"viral† and spread.Facebook has millions and millions of users on a daily basis and the traffic from it can really help for your cause. For example, you might want to even make money by setting up a capture page for people and build a list in the process. For example, we all know that the female market is huge – especially when it comes to make up. Why not set up a capture page with the following words. Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) Find out how to Receive FREE Mac Make UP Enter Your Name and Email Address To receive a special secret link Imran Naseem – http://www.ImranNaseem. com (My Blog) This is an example of a landing page you can direct Facebook (female users to) and they will need to simply enter their name and email address. Once you have a list of say 300-400 girls then simply forward a CPA offer to them or a Clickbank link ? The possibi lities are endless! I hope you enjoyed reading this guide on how to make money from Facebook and its tools ? Why not leave me a testimonial if you liked this report? Simply email me at Naseem. [email  protected] com My blog is Imran Naseem – http://www. ImranNaseem. com Imran Naseem

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Traumatic Brain Injuries An Introduction And Definition...

Traumatic Brain Injuries: An Introduction and Definition of a Public Health Problem The brain is the most complex organ in the human body; its mysteries rival the understandings of our solar system and continuously challenge the efforts of neuro physicians and researchers alike. This extraordinary biological structure defines our personality, controls how we move, and regulates our five senses. When the brain suffers an injury, the consequences can be devastating; affecting many important aspects of a person’s life, including permanent disability and untimely death (National Institute for Neurological Disease and Stroke, 2014). The impairment of brain tissue, from an injury or trauma, represents a serious public health problem in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control (2014). Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is the result of an external force that disrupts the integrity or function of the brain. TBI occurs when the head abruptly strikes an object, or when a penetrating object enters the skull and damages the brain matter (NINDS, 2014). TBI are typically suspected when a significant mechanism of injury is present and later confirmed by the use of computed tomography (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2013). Trauma is the fourth leading cause of death overall in the US and is the leading cause between the ages of one and 44, surpassing all non-communicable and infectious disease combined. (CDC, 2014). In the United States, TBI contributesShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence As A Public Health Problem Essay1403 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic violence as a public health problem is studied from an epidemiological perspective. Epidemiology is the core of public health, providing insight into the causes, prevalence, and control of disease in populations . 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